Редколлегия журнала "Муниципальное образование: инновации и эксперимент" |
Сведения о редакционной коллегии/редакционном совете рецензируемого научного издания «Муниципальное образование: инновации и эксперимент»
Председатель – Чернышев Андрей Валентинович
Chairman – Chernyshev Andrey Valentinovich 1. Artamonova Ekaterina Iosifovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department Professor, Moscow State Regional University, President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Moscow, Russian Federation. 2. Akhmedov Gumeir Gusein ogly – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of the Institute of Educational Problems of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan. 3. Akhmetov Sultan Medzhidovich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Master of Sports. Krasnodar, Russian Federation. 4. Bleikh Nadezhda Oskarovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Work of North Ossetian State University. K.L. Khetagurova, academician of the Russian Academy of Economics, Honored Worker of Science and Education. Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 5. Borisenkov Vladimir Panteleimonovich - full member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, chief researcher, Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russian Federation 6. Boyarov Evgeniy Nikolaevich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Sakhalin State University”, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation. 7. Vidmarovich Natalia Petrovna – Doctor of Philology (PhD), professor, Zagreb, Croatia 8. Voiteleva Tatyana Mikhailovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region “Moscow State Regional University”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 9. Vorovshchikov Sergey Georgievich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education in Moscow “Moscow City Pedagogical University”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 10. Viktor Petrovich Golovanov – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 11. Zaslavskaya Olga Yuryevna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Institute of Pedagogical Education, Scientific Director of the Department of Informatization of Education of the Institute of Digital Education of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow City Pedagogical University”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 12. Elvira Viktorovna Zautorova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and Pedagogy of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Vologda, Russian Federation. 13. Zelenin Alexander Vasilievich – Doctor of Philology (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy in the field of linguistics, independent researcher, Finland. 14. Natalya Grigorievna Kalashnikova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, LLC Consulting Group “Innovative Solutions”, Barnaul, Russian Federation. 15. Karimova Irina Kholovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Education of Tajikistan (AOT). Vice President of the Academy. Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan. 16. Kupriyanov Boris Viktorovich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow City Pedagogical University”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 17. Krupchenko Anna Konstantinovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Foreign Languages and Communication Technologies NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russian Federation 18. Kusainov Askarbek Kabykenovich - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician, President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of KazNU named after. al-Farabi. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. 19. Loginova Larisa Gennadievna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Continuing Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow City Pedagogical University”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 20. Mardakhaev Lev Vladimirovich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Professor at the Faculty of Social Work. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University", Moscow, Russian Federation. 21. Mudrik Anatoly Viktorovich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russian Federation. 22. Nikandrov Nikolay Dmitrievich – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Academy of Education”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 23. Nikitina Natalya Ivanovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Work, Psychological and Social Faculty, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Social University”. Moscow, Russian Federation. 24. Galina Pavlovna Novikova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Educational Development Strategy”, Rector of the ANO DPO Institute for the Development of Educational Technologies, Moscow, Russian Federation. 25. Olenev Svyatoslav Mikhailovich – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Moscow, Russian Federation. 26. Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, scientific director of the Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy, Moscow, Russian Federation. 27. Sidenko Alla Stepanovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, deputy. editor-in-chief of the magazine “Municipal education: innovations and experiment”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 28. Marina Gennadievna Sinyakova – Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public Service and Personnel Policy of the Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation. 29. Evgeniy Ivanovich Smirnov – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky", Yaroslavl, Russian Federation. 30. Sukhova Elena Ivanovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Preschool Education of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Education of Preschool Children”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 31. Tagiltseva Natalia Grigorievna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Music Education, Institute of Music and Art Education, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation. 32. Temina Svetlana Yurievna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Moscow Psychological and Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation. 33. Turavets Natalya Romanovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Vocational Education. State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Cultures", Belgorod, Russian Federation. 34. Ushakova Oksana Semenovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education”, Moscow, Russian Federation. 35. Fedorova Svetlana Ivanovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after. P.A. Stolypin, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation 36. Fomenko Svetlana Leonidovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Management and Law, Head. Department of Economics and Management, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation. 37. Kharisova Lyudmila Alekseevna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russian Federation. 38. Khvedchenya Lyudmila Vladimirovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. 39. Hebib Emina – Doctor of Science, (PhD), Associate Professor, Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade, Serbia, professor, Belgrade, Serbia. 40. Chernyshev Andrey Valentinovich - Doctor of Economics, member of the editorial board of the scientific and analytical journal "Bulletin of the Humanitarian Institute", Moscow, Russian Federation 41. Chupina Valentina Aleksandrovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Methodology of Vocational Pedagogical Education Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RGPPU), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation |